Squad Entertainment is a group of mostly post-secondary students working to improve our skills at making quality internet content, and we're looking for like-minded individuals. If you're in the age range of 16-26 and you're also working in content creation, we'd love to work with you on future projects. That's what the SYNDICATE project is for! A sort of open collaboration where multiple groups of content creators can form an artistic community to promote and influence each other.
Squad Entertainment's members are strong believers in the idea that artists should work together, promote each other, and help each other improve our craft. We're trying to find similar creators right nearby as well as across the world. And that's where you come in! If you like to use your creativity - write short films, shoot funny skits, write reviews, make music, work in design, anything creative - we'd love to work with you and your friends on a project. Ideally it would be something that we could both contribute to. That way, we could promote the collaboration to both our followings, benefitting each other.
The best way for both groups to figure out if we can mesh creatively is if you send us a demo. Put together a sampler of your best work (ideally between 1 and 4 minutes, and includes work from the last 6 months or so), or you can also just take an original work you've made recently that you believe exemplifies your best effort. You can upload it for free to Dropbox, Google Drive, Youtube, Vimeo, or Mega.co.nz. Send the link to your Demo to
SQUADCURTIS@DBZMAIL.COM. If you've done that and we haven't responded to you within 7 days, hit up our contact page. We can't wait to hear from you!
...coming soon!
No partners yet. To be our inaugural partner, send us an email at the above address!
NOTE: We're still working on a lot of internals here and will not officially be opening the Network until this fall.